Enmedio Studio: specialists in PassivHaus Design and Zero Energy Buildings:

Sustainability does not mean covering the roof with solar panels to “look” sustainable or marketing to win architectural competitions. It is must be much more. It should be addressed from the core of the design to make it efficient. Apply it from the very first stroke of the drawing, considering it as important as the structure or the search for spatial quality. Only in this way can we create efficient buildings, not only regarding energy, but also regarding habitability. Promoting healthy buildings that minimise costly active systems, by using natural light and ventilation, an airtight envelope or low-footprint and ecological materials.

Enmedio is a factory of places, that believes that the environmental design is inherent to the creation of spaces not only beautiful but efficient, not only efficient, but also beautiful. As environmental architects our duty is to turn it into a universal right for all. Using the most advanced tools to simulate and optimise the design and based on a vast experience on research, Enmedio Studio always looks for the equilibrium between cost, energy efficiency and quality of spaces. The consequences are the energy and economic savings but above all, the consecution of the user comfort and well-being.

Let’s give a new name to this process: environmental design where the ‘cleanest’ energy is the one not consumed.

What does Enmedio imply?

Enmedio is a factory of places, which believes that environmental design is inherent in the creation of spaces not only beautiful but efficient, not only efficient, but also beautiful. As environmental architects, our aim is to make it a universal right, accessible to anyone. For this, this factory has its own principles:

Welcome to Enmedio…


Enmedio: the user


The users are our center. Addressing their needs by creating comfortable and friendly spaces is our driving force. In order to achieve this matter, the evaluation of each environmental parameter for each space and use is essential to set the meaning of well-being.


Enmedio: design, sustainability and cost


We do love architecture. So as to create it with spatial and efficient quality, without additions, we must think about sustainability from the conception of the idea, so that it naturally appears in the design. The passive strategies are optimized based on calculation tools and simulations, generating a final result where beauty and sustainability coexist, with a controlled cost.


Enmedio: experience and experimentation


We should look back and learn from experience, research literature and constructions that have already given great steps on the sustainable field. But also look ahead and use simulation techniques, and keep up to date with what is going on at an international scenario.


Enmedio: every scale


We intend to have everything under control: from masterplans to carpentry details. The environmental design in the urban scale will not only allow outdoor comfort, but it will also influence the indoor performance of the buildings inside the urban fabric.


Enmedio: new and old


Retrofitting our cities and take advantage of what already exists to bring it back to life with new uses according to demand. Rather than building from scratch, why not having a look to what we already have?