Project drafting and construction management
Enmedio Studio Space
Environmental Laboratory
Direction and authorship / Elena Vilches Álvarez y David Moreno Rangel
Enmedio collaborators / Jerónimo Moreno, Carlos Moreno, Miguel Frías
Environmental consultant / Enmedio Studio
Photographs / Enmedio Studio
The new facilities of Enmedio Studio represent the creation of a space for the exchange of ideas, research and debate on which paths Architecture should follow nowadays.
The renovation, carried out under PassivHaus principles, creates a strong hermetic envelope and is accompanied by active systems of aerothermal energy and ventilation with heat recovery, to provide healthy and comfortable work spaces.
Vegetation, wood or natural light are also ingredients that make up the recipe for spaces that enliven those who work there, and which remind us of what our aim should be: to create a different architecture.