Competition, 3rd prize
Elderly residence, Andratx
Third prize. Project competition for the construction of a residence for the elderly in Andratx, Mallorca.
Andratx, Mallorca
Direction and authorship / Elena Vilches Álvarez y David Moreno Rangel
Enmedio collaborators / Encarna Márquez Garfia y Álvaro Velasco Cabello
Environmental consultant / Enmedio Studio
Client / Consorcio de Recursos Sociosanitarios y Asistenciales de las Illes Balears
No more dark and endless hallways. In a residence for dependent people, impersonal spaces and massive, soulless buildings do not belong. The relationship with the landscape, the light, the kindness proceeds. The cozy spaces, the warm materials, those of a lifetime come from. Personalization, identity proceeds. Places to meet and relate, stimulation and interaction come from. People and Dignity come (with capital letters). Spaces for individual, emotional and collective needs.
For this reason ‘POBLE’ introduces the usual values in a unique space where each and every one of the inhabitants (users, workers and visitors) find their place, feeling comfortable in a comfortable environment, where ‘wanting to be’ is something natural: ‘feel at home’ but accompanied by the advantages of living in an ‘equipped’, ‘stimulating’ for the senses and ‘participating’ centre.