4th Place
New high school in San Vicente de Raspeig
San Vicente de Raspeig, Alicante
Direction and authorship / Elena Vilches Álvarez and David Moreno Rangel
Enmedio collaborators/ Encarna Márquez, Carlos Macías, Jara Sánchez, Álvaro Velasco.
Environmental Consultant / Enmedio Studio
Client / San Vicente de Raspeig City Hall
Another way of educational buildings design is possible.
PATIOS aims to preserve the positive characteristics of the preliminary project, but updating those aspects that are in favor of improving the regulatory, environmental and functional parameters of the building. We consider that the environment design is another way to teach.
0. After a deep analysis of the provided floors, a useful circulation scheme is observed, with a central axis from which transversal corridors depart. This scheme will be maintained, as well as the development on 2 floors, to facilitate solar access and pursue the human scale. However, the use of long corridors lacking light and ventilation is observed, which sometimes fail to comply with dead-end fire routes, and which leave rooms without an exterior façade.
1. The first step is moving the modules of the existing scheme in order to shorten the corridor, also achieving a CENTRAL AXIS illuminated throughout its length.
2. The second step is to open PATIOS in each of the neighbourhoods as a bicoclimatic motor. This will provide light and ventilation to the transversal circulations, now arranged in GALLERIES. In addition, the second bioclimatic element will be the generation of a microperforated metal SKIN that will cover the facades. This skin will behave differently depending on the orientation, acting as a brisoleil, practicable element, as well as generating an interspace with vegetation, as a protector against thermal washing… or disappearing when its function is not necessary.
3. Thus, this building is seeks confort in outdoor and indoor spaces, avoiding dark corridors and laying the foundations for an optimized passive environmental performance throughout the year.